
View our Attendance information below



We believe students’ regular and punctual attendance is essential for success. Class attendance is necessary for learning, for social and academic achievement, and for developing such life-long habits as punctuality, dependability, and self-discipline. Students and families are expected to keep absences to a minimum.

We are committed to helping students develop these habits and to maintain our standards for earning credit and technical area certifications. Each student is an irreplaceable resource, necessary for the interaction that forms an essential part of classroom learning in a vocational technical educational setting. When absences occur, the educational experience of all students in class is diminished. Students are expected to be in school and in class every day. They should be fully aware that the interactions that occur in the classroom cannot be duplicated and constitute a valid and critical part of the course work. Attendance is a three-way responsibility among the student, parent, and school. Working together, we can insure that our students are successful here at Sussex Tech therefore increasing their opportunity for success in their future.

Being on time for work can help you showcase professionalism, which includes behavioral standards, workplace values and other characteristics. Arriving to work early or on time can highlight your trustworthiness and reliability as an employee. Consistently being on time can also help show that you meet standards of professionalism, which can increase your value as an employee and help you advance your career. Being a Vocational Technical High School we especially value professionalism therefore we especially value being on time.


Late to School

All students are expected to be on time to school. Students who arrive after the designated time for school to begin are considered late. A student who is late to school should present a written explanation for why they were late when they arrive. Students who are late to school unexcused more than three times in a marking period will be referred by the Attendance Coordinator for disciplinary action.

Late to Class

All students are expected to be on time to class. If a student is late to class three or more times in a marking period without sufficient reason, they will be referred by the teacher for disciplinary action.

Skipping Class

All students are expected to be in class. A student is considered to be skipping class if he or she reports to school but does not attend a class which he or she is scheduled and does not have permission from either that subject teacher or other school personnel to be excused from that class. Also, a class skip is defined as arriving to class more than 15 minutes late without a pass. Students identified as skipping class will be referred by the teacher for disciplinary action.