Spring Break – Reducing Waste Creatively

Spring Break – Reducing Waste Creatively

Want to go “GREEN” during Spring Break?  There are many options for the discerning Easter shopper who wish to reduce plastic waste in the environment.

REUSE plastic eggs from last year or purchase wooden eggs.  Spend quality time painting or decorating them and keep them as a keepsake!  Reusing wicker baskets and making grass by shredding paper takes plastic out of the environment.

Or REDUCE by avoiding using plastic eggs entirely and hide candy all around the house or garden protecting the environment from a load of plastic that will take centuries to degrade.  Purchase or make your own chocolates that are wrapped in tin foil instead of plastic wrapping.  Tin foil can be recycled!

Give packets of seeds and gardening tools in the basket so kids can learn a new skill and appreciate the environment.  Wooden toys and gift cards that can be redeemed against experiences such as a spa visit, a trip to the museum, or a movie are options that take recyclables out of the equation altogether while promoting creativity and an experience to make memories with others.

We would love to learn about what you did over break to help the planet.  Let us know how you creatively reused or reduced plastic during Spring Break by sharing your photos and stories with us.  Email Ms. Massaro at nancy.massaro@ sussexvt.k12.de.us.  The members of Multiplying Good want to “thank you” for all you have done this year to do your part to help “STHS GO GREEN“. Be safe. Stay healthy. And enjoy your 10 days off.